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Holy Week & Easter

Blue 2 Hero Image.png
Palm Leaf


9:30 am

Palm Sunday Procession

Holy Eucharist

Reading of the Passion Gospel*

Bread and Wine


Good Friday


Easter Lilies

7:00 pm

Holy Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar*

12 noon

Stations of the Cross

7:00 pm 
Good Friday Liturgy*


6:30 am
Sunrise Easter Vigil

9:30 am 

Festival Holy Eucharist*

Join us for Holy Week and Easter

Sunday, April 13

9:30 a.m. -- Sunday of the Passion: Blessing of the Palms, Eucharist & Passion Reading -- Hyflex


Thursday, April 17

7:00 p.m. -- Maundy Thursday: Holy Eucharist & Stripping of the Altar -- Hyflex


This year we will mark Maundy Thursday with a service of Holy Eucharist and Stripping the Altar. Everyone is invited to be part of this solemn and moving service. Following the liturgy, the consecrated elements will be removed from the sanctuary, symbolizing Jesus being taken away. The elements will stay on what is known in many churches as the Altar of Repose. At St. Simon’s we set this up in the narthex. Everyone is invited to sit or kneel in silence with the elements as long as you wish.


Friday, April 18 -- Good Friday

Noon -- Stations of the Cross


7:00 p.m. -- Good Friday BCP Liturgy & Eucharist from the Reserve -- Hyflex


We will mark Good Friday with praying the Stations of the Cross at noon, and a solemn liturgy with communion from the reserved sacraments at 7 PM that evening.


Sunday, April 20-- the Sunday of the Resurrection

6:30 a.m. -- Sunrise Easter Vigil


9:30 a.m. -- Festival Eucharist -- Hyflex


Easter Sunday morning we will have two services, and the liturgies will differ from each other. St. Simon’s will have an Easter Sunrise Vigil at 6:30 Sunday morning. The Vigil is a beautiful service in which we kindle a new fire and light the Pascal candle, re-tell the story of God’s redemptive action through history, and welcome the first light that revealed Jesus had risen. Everyone is invited to bring bells or singing bowls and we will ring them at one specific point in the liturgy in celebration of the resurrection. Then at 9:30 we will have a Festive Choral Eucharist praying the liturgy we are more familiar with. There will be beautiful music from our choir and from additional musicians as we celebrate.


Hyflex indicates the service will be broadcast using Zoom and Facebook Live.

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